Fool in Love

2 min readSep 19, 2023


On this tired night, as I lay down to type, It’s uneasy to express the depth of emotions that have been growing within me. What began as an ordinary encounter turned into something extraordinary, something I never expected, and something I now cherish with all my heart (or, regret?)

He’s not the loudest, he has shown me the true meaning of connection. The way he listens to my stories, no matter how insignificant or silly they may seem, makes me feel truly heard and understood. All those seemingly ordinary moments — all the small talks, all those midnight calls, have become the highlights of my days.

But it’s more than just our conversations. His smile is like the sun breaking through on a gloomy day, bringing a ray of warmth to my heart — much like how a certain yellow umbrella brought hope to Ted Mosby. His eyes, oh, his eyes — I could write volumes about them. They hold a depth and a warmth that draw me in, and I find myself forever lost in their beauty.

Time has passed and I never thought it possible, but I’ve fallen deeply in love with him. It hasn’t been easy; there have been moments of doubt and sadness when I wished I could erase these feelings. But then, I see his eyes, his kindness, and everything that makes me fall in love all over again.

All of those things may be considered “bare minimum” by some, but when it’s him, every moment is extraordinary. There’s something about him that drives me mad, something I can’t quite put into words. Perhaps I’m a fool — I’m a fool in love.

I don’t know what the future holds, how long I’ll get to adore him like this, but I’m certain of one thing — I don’t want it to end. Words can’t describe the joyful to having crossed paths with him, nor can they express the bittersweet ache I feel at the thought of missing his jokes, the depth in his eyes, and even the faint hint of musk and cigs that lingers in his presence.

